
bigmultipipe.outname_creator(in_name, meta=None, outdir=None, outname_append='_bmp', outname=None, **kwargs)[source]

Convenience function to create Bigmultipipe output filename


Name of input raw data file. The basename of this file is used together with contents of other parameters to construct the output filename. Overwritten by outname.


Metadata generated by bigmultipipe pipeline. Keys from meta are used to overwrite the keywords of this function. Default is None

outdirstr, None, optional

Name of directory into which output files will be written. If None, current directory in which the Python process is running will be used. Overwritten by outdir key in meta. NOTE: if not None, the value of this parameter will be combined with outname, even if outname contains a fully qualified path. Default is None

outname_appendstr, optional

String to append to outname to avoid risk of input file overwrite. Example input file test.dat would become output file test_bmp.dat. Overwritten by outname_append key in meta. Ignored if outname is specified. Default is _bmp


Output filename. It would be unusual to specify this at instantiation of a BigMultiPipe object, since all files would be written to only this one filename. Rather, this is intended to be generated by a pre-processing step or overwritten by the outname key in meta. Default is None


output filename to be written, including path


meta[‘outname’] is how outnames need to be specified when in_name contains multiple files